Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mr. Baseball makes a home run

Meet Rocco's new obsession- Mr. Baseball.  He loves him so much that he wants to take him on his walk. He grabs him and heads for the door. We have to practice the leave it command so we don't end up carrying Mr. Baseball on our way home. And the first thing he does when we come back in is grab him. (Dino picked him out so he is soooo proud- his fur son loves baseball)!
So today was the first day of Rocco's medications and may I just say I LOVE MEDS!! I gave him a quarter pill this morning- it was a pretty fast reaction. He just seemed less stressed. When I left this morning he was still whining a little bit but as opposed to yesterday when he was throwing himself against the door. Dino said he heard him bark when he opened the door but we don't know if that was just because he heard Dino come in. But when I came home we let Rocco out and he was really sweet. We made him sit and stay and he followed all the rules. I even got to rub the belly. After a while I went to take the leash and he got a little growly. So back in the kennel he went. He came out again a few hours later and behaved very well. He stared intently at Clara but didn't jump at her so he is improving. On our night walk he was extremely well behaved. He sat at the door and let me go first and didn't pull at the leash at all.
So our little Rocco is slowly progressing and more than anything Dino and I are learning each day. We are still going to find a trainer but all the info we read says to keep up his basic commands. We're not giving up on him. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad he has his own toys now. He doesn't have to share with Pepe. Who destroys them I'm working with him on that. I'm actually surprise that every time Pepe came to take toys away from Rocco he didn't react he would just move on to the next toy. That just goes to show that he is a really good dog deep inside.
