Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 3 - BarkBark

So despite yesterday's purchase of pheromone spray, pheromone collar and pheromone plug in diffuser Rocco still has separation anxiety. Even though I took him for a nice long walk this morning he must have barked and cried all day. Poor guy. I'm really hoping he is smart enough to realize it doesn't help- and it gets better tomorrow. I ordered a herbal solution online today called Pet Calm. You sprinkle granules on their food. Hoping it gets here soon.  I have to say the pheromone stuff isn't impressing me. We might need to see the vet tomorrow for some puppy Prozac. We're debating...
We took a little pity on Rocco tonight and invited him onto the couch. He really enjoyed jumping around and tossing the kitty toys up in the air.  We were all having fun but after a few minutes he decided he wanted to jump down and  chase the kitties. He is just like Dino- too much of a good thing leads to trouble.  When we told him no there was a little growl. D and I took a united front and held him tight, told him no and showed NO FEAR. He looked kind of puzzled, then a little sad- I think he got the hint. I put him back in his kennel and made him sit down. He growled at me but I looked him in the eye and told him to SIT. He looked away and sat down- bwwahhahaha (that was my evil laugh), victory is mine!  Small steps...
He is resting now- he's got to be exhausted from all the stress.  Hoping he'll get some rest tonight.  We'll start again tomorrow. On the good side- none of our neighbors complained yet! And he still is the cutest little guy in the world. Oh, and D got his first Rocco kiss tonight!


  1. Hi Sherra,
    When he would be curious about my cat I would ask him in a very stern voice. Leave you sister cat alone. Sometimes that was enough but sometimes he required a tap. He can be a little rugged with them but he never bit my cat. He will try to hump them.

    1. I'll try that! He just seems more curious than anything. They aren't going to let him near them for awhile. I think by the time we let him roam around he'll be used to them.
      We haven't had any humping or marking yet- I think that's a good sign.
      You would have laughed if you saw his face when he growled and I stared him down. I wanted to give him a huge hug afterwards but I resisted.
