Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Houdini lives in the LBC

Dino: Do you want the good news or bad news?
Me: Good news
Dino: When I got home  Rocco wasn't crying or barking
Me: And the bad news?
Dino: He met me at the door. 

Apparently our little Houdini escaped from the kennel today. The kennel with the padlock on it. The kennel that was made for a 60 lb dog.  He "popped" the top latch off and crawled out. Pheromone spray, collar and plug in were pretty much useless at calming him down. We have no idea how long he had been out but luckily he didn't do too much damage. He did mark in the kitty bathroom floor and he drug out EVERY toy in the house- cat or dog toy. So Dino let him spend a little time out on the couch and Rocco took advantage of every moment! Then we even let him on the bed for a few minutes.  He even  rolled over and let me rub his belly. But we got him all wound up  and that was our first mistake. He got a little too over stimulated and ended up getting grouchy. I started wrestling with him and got a little "tooth bruise" (translation: bite).  But we pinned him down by his neck until he stopped growling (that's what they say to do and we didn't hurt him -except for his pride).  They say it shows our "alpha status" and we need to do it in the beginning to prevent future aggression. So lesson learned- too much, too soon. We need to take baby steps.
So Rocco may have to the doctor tomorrow for the puppy prozac to relax him a little until he gets used to us. We are not going  to give up on him- we just have to adjust our own actions. We rescued a dog with issues and we have to learn how to deal with his issues.
He's still the cutest.  The cutest boy with the biggest teeth! Ouch!

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